Outcome 1 - With each these mediums of media, you can just about find out any information you want or need to know these days. I would have to say, that with no doubt, the computer is now number one as far as where most people receive most of their news and information. The internet is fast and up to the minute when it comes to obtaining information. I think that the newspaper is still a great medium for receiving news because of the personal way the news is received. Most newspaper readers have a set, personal, ritualistic wayof reading their newspaper. Weather its at the kitcen table, parked in your car, on a recliner, at the racetrack, or even while on the crapper, the newspaper is a personal media fourm. I personally still enjoy newspaper reading everyday!
Outcome 2 - Mass Media has a major impact in all of these areas in our Society. If you look at the political area, You can find out anything you want about whats going on with Washington. Alot of people are more informed with politics these days because of all the information thrown at us by the t.v. and internet. Theres also a lot of overkill out there, people with their own opinions on whats happening. You really have to sit down and analize for yourself what to believe. Not all the news is true and more news is either biased or opinionated these days. The good news is that more people are in invoved in the political process due to the information age.
Outcome 3 - With more media tech, more economy, more connectiveness in our Society as a whole. We are a people of information and media. With the advent of information age , we are able to get things done in a hurry. we can communicate much faster than before we had cell phones and computers. This has made us a super, mega world power as a Nation. I guess as far as change in media, it has to be the fact that we can conduct buisness at a lightning fast pace now. What used to take days now takes seconds. Just get on the computer!
13 years ago
Wow it seems that a lot of the us in the class have similar feelings toward the media! Its awesome that you like to read the newspaper still, it seems like its a dying beautiful old tradition. I hope the media and technologies progress at a little slower of a pace.
ReplyDeleteYou are absolutley right that the internet has become our biggest news resorce. Although i wrote my blog this week about television i can honestly say the internet has one up on television these days. And i like that you read the newspaper often as i find it to be far less biased than the alternatives. I agree with Maya i wish things would slow down a little! In my PSY102 with Karly she made a good point that people might be loosing empathy for eachother due to all this technological "progress" weve made, seems like our younger generations are just looking touch. Dont get me started on the texting thing! ugh
To be honest with you, I wouldn't know half of the things I now about politicians if it wasn't for the massive amounts media pouring through the newspapers, t.v. and It's amazing how much it effects our society. More people seem to be more invloved due to the heightened media reports. And really, who controls what we see? Could we be swayed due to biased programming?
ReplyDeleteNewspaper is more personal but wouldn't you rather it be impersonal so you don't get attached to the author to the point that you're not looking for a bias? On internet there are so many voices, it isn't as much of an effort to forget one and which way they form their opinions.
ReplyDeleteTechnology does seem to make life more fast paced. I do find it convenient to get tasks done quickly on the computer. The drawback is like others have commented the loss of the newspaper with its personal feel. The accesibility of information is another interesting point you raised. I would think, however, that the individual is the one who decides how far they delve into information. Because, myself I ofter don't go further than whatever news pops up on my home page.