Friday, November 20, 2009

Final Presentation

Final Presentation: The debate over Red Light traffic Surveillance and how Mass Media affects both sides and their Perspectives.

Let me first explain why I chose this subject that is in a sense in relation to my blog on images and ideologies, The Statue of Liberty. I believe that these surveillance technologies are unconstitutional and I will show you in words case in point. This topic has been in the news quite often and has drawn my interest. The Mass Media is dangerous because they are taking interest in how local news is covering this topic. Phoenix just had a public debate over the legality of this issue. I am sorry to say that I went on one of the news stations website that covered the story and the story was pulled off. The debate took place yesterday, today is Friday. They want you to forget the story. This is definitely a Mass Media Problem. How do we fix this problem? I think this issue in Arizona should be taken into the street and demonstrated. I can’t say for sure, but I don’t think the issue was voted on by the people. Legislation once again voted it in on their own without We the People.

Hello everyone. I think this subject will be interesting to everyone who drives a vehicle, not only in the Great State of Arizona, but anywhere in the United States of America. Currently there are 45 other countries utilizing such red light surveillance systems and right here in the good ole U.S.A. we have 19 of our states including the District of Columbia deploying these surveillance systems and more on the way. Privacy advocates and true Americans have vocally opposed the systems due to a number of reasons such as the fact that there is a chance for surveillance creep and so forth. There is also the apparent conflicts of interest and lack of transparency with the outsourcing of police powers to private tech industry. It is possible for the information that is retained in the surveilvence cameras to fall into the wrong hands. The data can be used for purposes other than what it was originally collected for. Because information data unrelated to the violation are being collected and stored, and also because of the fact that those being accused of breaking a law have no recourse to challenge their accusers in court, meaning in-effect they are guilty until proven innocent. There is also the argument that the privately owned companies can rig or alter their technology for gains in profit. As expected, individuals in defense of their rights have developed counter – surveillance techniques to neutralize the effectiveness of red-light and speeding systems. These include measures such as destroying cameras, sprays or shields and technology to make license plates unreadable etc…

Now to the other hand, State and local authorities are claiming that the surveillance is working and there are fewer accidents, more police powers to focus their time on the real crime and of course, In God We Trust, money for the state coffers. Why not? The state is in a 2 billion dollar deficit. Let’s go on to take a look at what another state is doing, Florida. The house just passed a bill approving red light surveillance cameras on state owned property. The problem is the State has laws banning their use on State lands. Once the Senate approves, they will have the go ahead to change the law and set up the cameras on state land. Without the peoples vote on this issue The State has placed money over privacy. This is a sad, but true. Let’s go back to Arizona; my numbers might be wrong, due to the fact that they (The Mass Media) took the story off the web. I believe they said another 37 cameras will be strategically placed within the Phoenix city limits to take your privacy, your money, and maybe your safety as well because of the facts that there are more tail-gating accidents then ever before due to people slowing down real fast to beat the cameras. Right now, the local Municipal Courts in Maricopa County are tied up with over 300,000 cases of traffic fines issued from the cameras that haven’t been paid. I don’t know what the math is but I do know that the courts and ADOT, the Arizona department of Transportation are separate agencies that have to work together to make sure private driving records are current and up to date. Now with the layoffs at statewide Motor Vehicle Division offices and with the extra cameras up and running they will have their hands busy. Checks and Balances do not weigh out evenly here.

Well, there’s a lot more that can be said concerning this issue, but due to space and time I would like to comment on the totally biased based stories that held support to this presentation. I hope that I showed to some degree the functionalist view as well as the conflict side to this issue. The mediums I used for gathering my information consisted of the local news and the internet, as far as I can tell they are owned by the same forces. So what are my choices? The newspaper is still the best for gathering news at the local level but being more opinionated due to the fact they are being outsourced by local citizens who have cropped up as seasoned, educated reporters. I don’t want to spend an hour on the internet to get the true story. People say there is a lot of hostility between blogs and the mainstream media. But the fact remains true that if the mass media finds a blog worth its weight in salt, it will pay attention.

The 5 resources I would like to share with my fellow students that are relevant to my presentation are: WWW.redlight
WWW.Public Surveiveince:
Just about any issue of Mother Jones Magazine. They are at Excellent Journalism.


  1. Very well informed post! These surveillance cameras are definitely a controversial subject.

    I actually wanna say that I think you should be careful about saying things like "true Americans" because while I am not anti-America by any means, I actually don't disagree with the cameras much at all.

    Think about it, they may cost more of everyone's money, they may cause more rear end accidents, and people may feel like they are a violation of property but lets think about this! If people drove safer, slowed down when they should and didn't run red lights, why would we need the camera's in the first place?

    If you aren't carrying anything illegal in your car, why should it matter if some camera is recording the things sitting on your seats. Lastly, if these cameras are monitoring who owns the car and where it has been and all of that well, think about kidnappings that could be solved by searching whatever database these cameras have for a missing child.

    While I think the cameras make some people uneasy, I think as long as the information is protected to not fall into the wrong hands, they aren't necessarily all bad. I mean, I completely agree that it's scary that the people who install them have been known to reduce the time of the yellow light before it turns red, but these things need to be solved and then I don't think the cameras are so scary.

    Great job on your final project =)

  2. Mark,
    I was on my way to visit family in California recently and chose to drive at night so my 2 year old would sleep through the long drive. I got flashed in Phoenix at 10:00pm for going 11 miles over the speed limit. The camera was set up at the beginning of a construction zone (non-active), as speeds were changing from 65 to 35, i was in the process of slowing down when i was flashed. I feel like the placement of the camera was unfair considering the drastic change in speeds, but it's big money for them as fines are doubled in construction zones even if they are not active. It has been a year and i have not received a ticket yet. My uncle is a lawyer and i asked him about it, he said that by law you have to be "served" a ticket by an officer and anything received through the mail is not valid. It is my impression that they send these tickets hoping people, especially elderly people will fork out the cash with no question. I could be wrong but i am exhausted trying to find credible info anywhere.
    I know this is seemingly unrelated but it reminds me of those damn self checkout lanes. I mean, since when in America are we so blind we go into a business, and spend our hard earned cash, only to bag your own crap, feed a machine, and not even get a "Thank you for shopping here, and have a nice day". It does away with job's, and the only people profiting is the store as they don't want to pay enough employees to serve there "valued" customers.
    Great final Mark!

  3. Surveillance traffic cameras are just another way for Uncle Sam to keep an eye on us. Today we are constantly being video taped wherever we go, not just on the highway. If you watch the crime TV shows, like NCIS, they can find you through the traffic cams that are set up at certain intersections. I think the media didn't cover the story in depth because Americans know this is just part of what is going on in our society today--"smile you're on Candid Camera" wherever you go.
